Isabella Curtorillo

User Experience

I am a UX/UI designer focusing on creating meaningful experiences for users. I believe that through positive design and thoughtful interactions, anything is possible.

I am currently an undergraduate student at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University studying Human Factors Psychology, specializing in UX/UI. I hope to be able to bring my understanding of human interaction and creativity to the professional industry.

What I'm working on!

Instagram Redesign

Case Study

This project was focused around redesigning the Instagram website to be more user friendly for a carroty of personas. As a team leader, I ran 4 separate use cases based on our heuristic evaluations, and then redesigned the website using FIGMA.

Xbox Adaptive

Controller Study

This ongoing research project is focused on testing the inclusivity of the new Xbox Adaptive controller. As a part of the research lab conducting this study, I have been involved in several aspects so far as we gather and test participants.